As a 27-year-old New York Yankee fan, Derek Jeter was everything to me growing up. I think the same could be said for just about every Yankee fan my age. We all wanted to play shortstop, we all wanted to be No. 2 and we all attempted the backhand-stab, hop-and-throw to first he was famous for, among a number of other things. No amount of nerd stats could convince me he's not one of the greatest shortstops ever.
That said, those nerd stats do have some merit when discussing whether or not "The Captain" is a unanimous Hall-of-Famer. Jeter is absolutely going to get in on Tuesday, and he could join Mariano Rivera as one of two players to be voted in unanimously. Chances are some baseball writer looking for five minutes of attention will stop that from happening, but who cares, he's getting in.
The announcement will be a tough one for the Jeter haters to stomach, almost as tough as watching this tribute video to Jeter will be. In it, Hall-of-Fame shortstops Cal Ripken Jr., Barry Larkin and Ozzie Smith all wax poetic about the man who is about to join them in Cooperstown. Grab your barf bags, Mets fans:
Ahh yes, that's the good stuff. Three minutes of nails-on-the-chalkboard content for Jeets' haters. Video of young, baby-faced Jeter? Check. The dive into the stands, resulting in a black eye? Check. The walk-off, slap base hit to right field to end his career? Check. The flip against the A's? CHECK!!!
As if it didn't make the haters and losers queasy enough, they compared him to Tom Brady, a comparison I love by the way. Brady and Jeter were never the most talented, but they are without question two of the greatest CHAMPIONS ever. If that didn't make you puke, congrats on surviving this gargle fest. You are a true warrior.
RELATED: Derek Jeter lists his New York castle (Yes, CASTLE) for $14.75 million