Sadly, Tiger Woods didn't give the world a taste of "Mac Daddy Santa" in 2017, but that doesn't mean his infamous Christmas character didn't surface at home. In a recent interview with the PGA Tour, Tiger explained (sort of) this, um, interesting tradition, and how it almost caused him serious bodily harm.
"Last year I burned my face off trying to dye my goatee, which is never going to happen again," Woods says in a video clip.
Yikes. As if this guy needs to worry about any more injuries.
But despite the dye mishap, Woods says Mac Daddy Santa — colored goatee or not — is here to stay.
"Kids absolutely love it. They love when I do something crazy," Woods continues. "It provides something that our family does each and every year, even as they get older, I'm still going to do it. And they're still going to say it's me or 'dad, you look ridiculous,' or anything like that. But it's something they're always going to remember for the rest of their lives."
That's sweet. And golf fans will remember this Tiger tweet from Dec. 22, 2016 for the rest of their lives as well:
Anyway, here's the clip of Tiger talking about a true tradition unlike any other:
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