We are just over two weeks from the start of the 2018 Winter Olympics, and so far the build-up—partly because no one is psyched about watching curling at 6am and partly because the the Jamaican men's bobsled didn't qualify—has been a little tepid. On Monday night, however, the Olympic hypetrain finally grumbled into gear thanks in large part to a pair of gloves and, well, Dumb & Dumber.
Wait, let us explain.
You see, after Team USA unveiled their rustic, Ralph Lauren-designed Opening Ceremony uniforms on the Today Show, Twitter's fashion police quickly put out an odd APB: Rawhide tassels, wanted for questioning.
But the gunslinger look, notable (and definitely 'Merica enough) on its own, didn't really catch fire until a few fine folks stumbled upon its true spiritual muse: Lloyd Christmas, Aspen, circa 1994.

Bringing a little bit of the Wild (Wild) West to the Far East, the uniforms have received a warmer reception than recent Winter Olympics duds, but we'll see how long the good will holds when Team USA shows up to closing ceremonies bedecked in a set of blaze orange tuxedos.