Cristiano Ronaldo is no mere mortal. If you're not familiar with the man's oeuvre, first of all, welcome to earth, and second of all, watch the can of whoop-ass he opened on Juventus in last week's Champions League quarterfinals…


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If for some reason that doesn't convince you, here's what happens when a normal everyday schmuck—in this case an Argentinian journalist Manuel Sanchez—tries to recreate the mighty feats of CR7:


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Now, we're no orthopedic surgeons, but that sure as hell looks like a busted leg, and subsequent images of Sanchez with a walking boot and crutches seem to suggest as much. On the brightside, however, fellow Argentina legend Lionel Messi remains a whopping 15 points clear of Ronaldo and Real Madrid at the top of the La Liga table and Sanchez—presumably looking for a little bit of viral sauce—got more than he could have ever dreamed of. All in all, not a bad trade for a couple of nuked ankle ligaments.

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