Usually by this time of the calendar, the highly-coveted, entirely-fictitious "Video of the Year' is locked up. Until two weeks ago, that seemed to be the case for the professor whose BBC interview was wrecked by his oblivious children and embarrassed wife. But, coming down the final stretch, that clip has seen a wave of formidable competition. First there was the baby adorably re-enacting the Rocky II training montage, followed suit by the two bros fighting city council's ban on house parties. Add a third candidate into the mix: a brother dramatically "rescuing" his sister in her wrestling match.
Dubbed to WWE announcer Jim Ross yelling over Stone Cold Steve Austin's entrance music:
Three takeaways: 1) Using Ross' "MY GOD!" shriek is never not funny 2) That brother got in a tornado's worth of haymakers before getting pulled off 3) In this overreactive environment, it's a miracle that the rest of the crowd laughed in delight instead of writing an op-ed to the local newspaper about the declining morals in youth sports.
Unless a three-legged dog is saved in a river by a shirtless Ryan Gosling, I don't think we're topping this bad boy. Balls in your court, Baby Goose.