Category Archives: Golf News

Justin Thomas questions his choice of white pants when he wrecks them with mud during Friday’s wet second round

Harry How/Getty ImagesJustin Thomas uses an umbrella on the 14th hole during the second round of the 2020 Sentry Tournament Of Champions.You can’t say that the players at the Sentry Tournament of Champions hadn’t been warned about the potential for some rough weather on Friday in Hawaii. Since early in the week at Kapalua Resort, the forecast had been calling for gusty winds starting in the second round and likely lasting through the rest of the tournament. And Friday also was expected to include rain squalls that would lead to the rare less than perfect conditions in Maui.
It’s with this backdrop that we need to say, tongue firmly in cheek, that Justin Thomas probably got what he deserved with his choice of attire. Specifically, the decision to wear white trousers in the face of the foul weather.
On a pair of occasions, cameras caught Thomas taking his customary big divots during shots, only to have the residual dirt and mud fly back and spray him with the winds in his face. The first..

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