Category Archives: Golf News

Congressman caught watching Presidents Cup during President Trump impeachment hearings is your hero of the week

Pool(Photo by Jose Luis Magana-Pool/Getty Images)Sports are the ultimate distraction. From overwhelming schoolwork, to your family getting on your case, to your boss ruining your weekend by asking for a Monday morning TPS report on Friday afternoon, sometimes you just need a release from reality, and what better getaway than the comforts of a ballgame.
Unfortunately, life does not always allow that escape. The key is finding an alternative route to that entertainment, or rather, how to bring that entertainment to you. Which is all a very wordy way of saying here is a video of a congressman caught watching the Presidents Cup during President Trump's impeachment hearings.
The congressman in question is Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La, who is instantly our new favorite legislator. (Admission: until now, the only two congressmen we could name were Roger Furlong and Jonah Ryan, both fictional characters, so take that with an entir..

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