Get ready to cash in that 401K, liquidate your stock portfolio, smash your daughter's piggy bank, and move into a Top Ramen-stocked Winnebago for the next four years, because the world's first space hotel has been announced and it ain't cheap. The ambitious brainchild of Houston-based Orion Span Inc., the so-called Aurora Space Station—the world's first “luxury” space hotel, in case you were worried about staying in some interstellar Red Roof Inn or something—is poised to launch in 2021, offering a 12-night stay package for a whopping $9.5 million (or $792,000 a night) PER PERSON.
This is no Margaritaville, however. Drifting 200 miles above the surface of the planet, the Aurora Space Station has as many limitations as it does innovations, including a four-guest capacity (plus two-crew), cramped quarters (about the size of a private jet cabin), and probably a lot of freaking Tang.
“We’re not selling a hey-let’s-..