Bettinardi Golf's Antidote putter series includes three head shapes made from soft carbon steel—the blade-like Model 1 and 3 and the square-mallet Model 2.
Category Archives: Golf News

UConn student watches Red Sox get eliminated in class, gets A+ in Despair 101
Live streaming has probably made the world a much worse place, but when it comes to sports, it's one of the greatest innovations of our time. If you have a smartphone or laptop and a good Wi-Fi connection, it's basically like having a flatscreen television with you at all times, much to the dismay of your bosses, professors and wives.
For this particular UConn student, live streaming came up clutch in a big way on Monday, when his beloved Boston Red Sox took on the Houston Astros in game four of the ALDS. I'm sure when he saw that first pitch was at 1:08 p.m., he panicked, knowing it coincided with class. Never fear, Fox Sports Go is here.
The problem with this is, October baseball can tend to get very emotional, and class is probably not the best place to watch your favorite team in an elimination game. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Unfortunately for this poor sap, a fellow student happened to pull out his phone and film him watching the final out. As Dustin Pedro..

Wilson Duo Soft makes new distance and accuracy case for low-compression golf balls
The 29-compression Wilson Duo Soft ball features larger core, refined dimple pattern for better distance

Watch a European Tour pro slowly go insane while taking 500 cracks at making a hole-in-one
Edoardo Molinari volunteered for what seemed to be a fun experiment ahead of this week's Italian Open on the European Tour. Now, we just hope the former Ryder Cupper can recover from what wound up being a torturous 12-hour exercise in futility.
The task appeared simple and enjoyable: Take 500 attempts at trying to make a hole-in-one on a beautiful day. And wouldn't you know it, Molinari came inches away from making an ace on his first attempt. But by the end, the three-time European Tour winner and the 2005 U.S. Amateur champ had resorted to throwing clubs, talking to himself, and even praying.
RELATED: Pro goes from hole-in-one to making an ELEVEN
You can't blame him when you watch how excruciatingly close he came (You also can't help but feel bad for that tee box, which got absolutely torn to shreds). Attempt No. 74 skirted the edge of the hole. Attempt No. 361 came up just short. And then there's what happened on attempt No. 153 when Molinari nearly jarred h..

Fore! Beware the wayward golf ball
Spectators think PGA Tour pros never miss a shot. But that's not the case, and when they do, it can be awfully painful for unexpected fans

This Dutch soccer player suffers the miss to end all misses
Life is tough. For every peak there's a deeper valley. For every success story, three of unfulfilled potential. For each victory snatched from the jaws of defeat, a defeat torn from the clutches of victory. If you can't already tell, that's where Dennis van Duinen—of Dutch lower league soccer club Harkemase Boys—joins the fray, latching onto the end of a through ball, rounding the keeper, and blasting hopelessly over from eight yards. Honestly, the words are here because they have to be, but nothing can convey the gravity of this failure like the cold, hard video. TO THE TAPE!
If you're a glass-half-full type of guy or gal (or just up-to-here with our species' current all-permeating negativity), you (and van Duinen) can take heart in the fa..

This Egyptian man’s celebration shows how much qualifying for the World Cup really means
Here in America, where we don’t care that much about soccer while simultaneously making every World Cup since 1990, it’s easy to forget—or flat-out not realize—how much qualification for the single greatest international sporting event in existence (rampant corruption and architectural oddities notwithstanding) actually means. In case you need a reminder, however, just watch this Egyptian man issue one of the most genuinely moving sports celebrations we’ve ever seen after watching his country qualify for their first World Cup in nearly 30 years on Sunday:
Not just a testament to the power of the World Cup, but the power of the World Cup for certain nations—impoverished nations, war-torn nations, nations for whom qualification is the exception not the rule—this man exudes something you won’t find in Brazil o..

Trump Turnberry, Trump International Golf Links post losses of nearly $25 million
Trump Turnberry, Trump International Golf Links post losses of nearly $25 million

This hockey player calling his mom after making the Flyers is the early highlight of the NHL season
Since Taylor Leier plays for the Philadelphia Flyers, the default assumption is that he's a flawed human being. Always goes into the corners with his elbows up, probably steals parking spots from old ladies, kicks sleeping puppies, etc., etc..
Or is it possible, based on this video, that Taylor Leier is that rarest of species, a Philadelphia Flyer we can actually root for?
The video itself isn't much; it's Leier, a 23-year-old veteran of 16 NHL games prior to this season, calling his mom and telling her he made the Flyers opening-night roster, which causes his mom to essentially lose it. But the subtext is deep: professional sports are cruel, the journey there is long and tortured, and for moms who likely pulled their young hockey player out of bed and shuttled them to endless games and practices, making an NHL roster — even if it is the dreaded Flyers — is what the kids call a #BFD. Have a look:
By the w..

A fond farewell to the primal magic of AOL Instant Messenger
Last week saw the announcement of a final shutdown for AOL Instant Messenger, the aged-out-of-practice yet inexplicably resilient chat platform, and I think I speak for all us Internet people when I say, “Sweet mother of Kazaa, there was still an AOL Instant Messenger?” I understand the World Wide Web flings itself through time at boffo speeds and nine social media startups have been funded since I started typing this sentence, but Jeezum H. Crow I thought IM was in the cold cold digital ground at least 12 years ago. It’s like popping into the coffee shop and seeing that the guy next to you is opening Netscape, or downloading some hot fresh Papa Roach with Limewire, wandering into a weirdly preserved lab of NeXT computers.
Like all stories that involve the loss of something which made a significant impact in my formative history but haven’t touched in 15 years, its deletion leaves a measurable emotional impact, for some reason. It signifies a passage of time, the closing of something, ..