The aesthetic value of a hockey jersey is in the eye of the beholder, or so goes the diplomatic position. A logo some use as a dartboard is the very one others wish to be cloaked in when lowered into their final (pine) penalty box. The point is, art is subjective, and no one can reasonably say one piece of cloth is worthier than the other.
To that we say . . . no way! In fact, some hockey jerseys are better than others, and as the Loop's resident hockey expert (i.e. the only guy here who owns a pair of skates), I've chosen the start of another NHL season as an opportunity to reveal the best hockey jerseys of all time.
10. California Golden Seals (1970): This was teal before it was cool, and it was perhaps too ahead of its time, because the Golden Seals never made it past the disco era. The Charlie Finley-owned Seals also donned green and gold like Finley's other team, the Oakland A's, but it was these beauties that inspired equal parts awe and mockery.