I’ll level with you guys: I am, in the immortal words of Cosmo Kramer, a raging anti-dentite. That’s what three invasive dental surgeries and regular Hostel-inspired brace torture between the ages of 16 and 18 will do to the fragile human psyche. Today, however, is a new day—a bright day—because today is the day I met JS Abernathy (actual name) of JS Abernathy Dental (obviously).
At first glance, JS seems like most dentists—a Hawaiian shirt-clad, flip-flop flapping med-school flame-out gone loopy from years of casual nitrous abuse—but unlike most dentists, JS has an honest-to-goodness sense of humor and, most notably, some editing chops. How in the name of Gingivitis do those traits help a dentist not producing SNL digital shorts in his spare time, you ask? Because they allow said dentist to randomly splice himself into a variety of third-act scenes from Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope in order to promote a new laser-based root canal procedure that may yet free rebel enamel forces from the tyrannical yolk of nerve pain, duh. Then again, don’t take my word for it. I f—king hate dentists, remember?
Needless to say, we await Doc Abernathy’s upcoming trip to Hoth to plug a new quick-numb Novocain with bated breath and swollen gums.