Due to the sudden prevalence of alligator videos, we admittedly roll our eyes whenever a “You gotta see this!” reptile clip crosses our desk. Trust us, we’d freak the hell out too if one of those bad boys showed up in our backswing, but a man can only see so much of the same thing before he snaps.

This, however, is far from your ordinary gator tale.

According to FirstCoast News, Scott Lahodik was diving for golf balls at the Rotonda Golf and Country Club in Charlotte County Florida when he was attacked by an alligator. Rotonda’s manager said Lahodik was snatched “just above the elbow (and) tore down quite a bit.”

So why did Lahodik free himself? Apparently by pulling a Happy Gilmore and smacking the gator in the face.

“He knew to go limp when the gator did the death roll,” said Scott’s wife Martiza. “As soon as the gator let go he swam away and when he came back at him he punched him on the eyes.”

The gator should have known better: Lahodik is a retired military man.

The event has understandably left the family shaken, and with mounting bills, Scott’s daughter has set up a GoFundMe page to help with the rising costs. Still, that Lahodik is even alive is a marvel.

“Given the fact that this gator was the size that it was, where it happened and how it had happened, I have no qualms about saying that this was a miracle, that I believe that God was protecting him,” said his wife.


Diver punches alligator in the face a la Happy Gilmore to free himself from attack
Source: Golf Digest