Donald Trump Opens His New Golf Course At Turnberry
Jeff J Mitchell

BEDMINSTER, N.J. — With the U.S. Women's Open being conducted at Trump National Bedminster rumors about whether or not Donald Trump would actually attend the event have been going around all week. His son Eric was on site Thursday. President Trump has put the rumors to rest by tweeting that he is leaving France and will be arriving at the golf course Friday afternoon.

The USGA released a statement Friday morning about the potential arrival of the President:

“If the President of the United States decides to attend the U.S. Women's Open Championship, we welcome him. It will be the first time a sitting president has attended the U.S. Women's Open and is only the third occurrence in our entire championship history. Our focus remains on conducting the championship and ensuring a great experience for the players and fans this week.”

The other two sitting Presidents whom have attended U.S. Open championships are Warren Harding in 1921 at Columbia C.C. in Maryland and Bill Clinton in 1997 at Congressional C.C. also in Maryland.

Related: When it comes to Donald Trump, players at the U.S. Women's Open aren't going there

News of Trump's appearance the at Women's Open was met with a statement from Shaunna Thomas, co-founder of UltraViolet, an online organization committed to fighting sexism:

“Donald Trump has a long and well documented history of sexual assault and sexual harassment. More than a dozen women have come forward to state that Trump sexually assaulted them. Trump himself was caught red handed proudly boosting of this behavior on the infamous Access Hollywood tape. Let’s be clear, by choosing to hold this tournament at Trump’s course, the USGA and the LPGA are endorsing Trump’s behavior. That is not only shameful and outrageous, but it is a huge disservice to the golfers who are playing this weekend.

“For months we urged the USGA and LPGA to move this tournament. They ignored us. Now, they are allowing Trump to use this tournament, and sadly the players, to benefit his own self-interests. The USGA and LPGA could have made a clear and unequivocal statement against sexual assault by moving this tournament. Instead they chose to embrace the man who is a walking talking example of a sexual predator. Shame on the USGA. Shame on the LPGA. This is a stain on your brand that will not wash away.”

Original Article