Brandon Ingram had the game of his (young) career on Thursday night. He also made one very vocal gambler's night in the process.

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Ingram had 49 points as his New Orleans Pelicans ended the Utah Jazz 10-game winning streak with a wild 138-132 victory in overtime. But it was during the extra period that one Pelicans backer made his rooting interests clear while the 22-year-old star was at the foul line. Watch and listen:

Love the announcer noting how "the loyalty factor is exceptional." Yep, that's it.

As you can see, Ingram missed his first free throw attempt—drawing a bloodcurdling cry from this loud degenerate—but converted the second one. And incredibly, the Jazz never scored again as the Pelicans not only covered the 5.5-point spread, but won to make their money-line backers happy as well.

More incredible was how regulation ended, which explains why this gambler was so frustrated. Ingram had hit what appeared to be the winning basket with 0.2 seconds left on the clock:

But an absolute phantom foul call on a lob to Rudy Goebert sent the center to the line. He only made one (BALL DON'T LIE!), though, to force overtime.

In any event, New Orleans not covering 5.5 would have been a brutal beat. So we're happy this mystery motivational speaker wound up winning a few bucks.

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