One hundred and eighty million dollars. That’s how much Floyd Mayweather pocketed for taking down Conor McGregor in last month’s much ballyhooed bout. After (presumably) paying the IRS the $22 million he owed them, how did The Man They Call Money splurge? On a $25 million dollar estate that's just as unapologetic as he is, of course.
According to Trulia, the palatial retirement home—located in Beverly Hills because obviously— features six bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a cocktail bar, a private cinema with its own concession bar and a separate guest house. Mayweather will still probably spend more time zipping back and forth between bookies aboard some gold-trimmed NetJet than he will at his new bachelor pad, but as these photos prove, when he’s not wheels-up, he’ll be living large in the lingerie-clad lap of luxury.

So how's Floyd enjoying his new digs so far? Well, according to Instagram, it looks like he's already getting his, well, money's worth.