It's been a relatively quiet couple of years for Andy Sullivan since a three-win season in 2015 earned him a spot on the 2016 European Ryder Cup team. But the English golfer caused a bit of a commotion on Wednesday when he holed a pretty nifty flop shot. In his backyard.

PHOTOS: The best backyard golf holes

Watch as Sullivan clips one perfectly that flies over a giant trampoline (interesting placement) and onto his putting green before eventually winding up in the cup:


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The "LEGEND" part is debatable, but that's a handy shot to have up his sleeve if he ever challenges someone to a game of golf H-O-R-S-E on his home course. And the European Tour already (sort of) bestowed an award on him for his effort:

Sullivan is off to a nice start to the new European Tour season — and he hasn't even played a tournament yet.

RELATED: A day in the backyard of a man who builds backyard golf holes

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