The life of a PGA Tour player is seemingly pretty idyllic, so it can be tough for us Average Joes to listen with a straight face when tour players complain about some issue that plagues them.
Perhaps, except, the fans who insist on yelling absurd things like "Mashed Potatoes!" and "Baba Booey!" at tour events. Most of the common-sense-thinking among us can agree that this tired phenomena might be ready to be phased out.
That's what made this video released by Graham DeLaet quite hilarious. He acknowledges that tour players love the fans who come to support tournaments and root for them. That is, until they start yelling random thoughts. Then it becomes an annoyance to all. DeLaet tackles the issue with a funny tone in this Christmas-themed video:
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Point taken. We knew DeLaet had a good sense of humor, but this was really well done.
In fact, we'd go as far as to encourage the Canadian to make this a series of sorts — going around to various offices around the world and yell at employees. Good stuff, Graham.

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