Movie goers have griped for years that the entertainment industry has run out of ideas, but that sentiment seems particularly verifiable as of late. A new Batman developed two years after Christopher Nolan's Caped Crusader trilogy wraps? Sure. Roll the dice with The Magnificent Seven even though the original holds up? Go for it. Drop $30 million in Tyler Perry's lap to dress like a loquacious dame for the umpteenth time? THAT'S GOLD, JERRY.
But for those still holding onto the fairy tale that is Tinsel Town, go ahead and kiss that magic goodbye. Because they've turned Kyrie Irving's decent, not-as-good-as-you-remember-it commercial into a full-length film. That's right, Uncle Drew is hitting the silver screen.
And no, this isn't some slick, over-the-top Pepsi ad. It has an actual IMDB page and release date. Amazingly pre-sale tickets are not yet available.
Hey, at least Shaq's cinematic body of work is unassailable. This gem should feel right at home alongside such hits as Steel, Kazaam, and Grown Ups.