Larry David tells “idiots” to stay home and watch TV in most perfect PSA ever

Larry David's 10th season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, which recently wrapped up on HBO, was a masterpiece from start to finish. But the legendary comedian needed a lot less time to create the greatest PSA ever amid the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
“Stay home” is a message we've all gotten used to in recent weeks, but it's perfect coming from the Seinfeld co-creator. The man famous for a show about nothing is now telling people to stay inside and do nothing. Well, other than watch TV, of course.
RELATED: Golf Digest's interview with Larry David
Here's David's video message, a 90-second rant aimed at the “idiots out there” who are still out there, that he recorded for California governor Gavin Newsom:
As PSAs go, it's perfect. From the “Well, not me, I have nothing to do with you” line to the “OK” with a dismissive wave sendoff. And he brings up a lesson people can learn from watching Curb.
“You kn..

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Did You Know: Where did the term ‘mulligan’ originate?

The Coronavirus pandemic has hit a giant pause button on fans being able to watch golf on TV, and in some cases, even kept people off courses. But while we hunker down and hope for a speedy return to normalcy, we can also use this time as an opportunity to learn more about the game we love. Here’s our latest installment of “Did you know?”
As the old saying goes, there are three sides to every story: your side, their side, and the truth somewhere in the middle. When it comes to the origin story of the term “mulligan,” there are three sides, though no one knows for sure which one is true.
DID YOU KNOW: The Original Rules of Golf fit on one (big) page
The basic definition of mulligan, a term most associated with golf, is a “do-over,” a second try after your first has gone awry. Every weekend golfer has taken a few mulligans in their lifetime, and there's no shame in that. After taking said mulligan, did you ever stop to think where the word came from? Considering you likely just pump..

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