Ohio State fan holds up “Nice” sign for 69th point, ESPN announcer calls it perfectly

Much like the “crying Jordan” meme, the “69… nice” joke is one that always plays on social media. That's the best thing you can say about a good Twitter joke, that it works every time, because there are a lot of recycled jokes people overuse that need to be taken out back and shot. But “69… nice” always “slaps,” as the kids say.
The gag has reached a point where play-by-play guys have no problem alluding to it on sports broadcasts. This past October, SEC Network's Tom Hart expertly used the joke after a 69-yard touchdown run by Ole Miss running back Jerrion Ealy. For those who missed:
What made this so perfect was that while Hart may have planned it for a long time, he still needed a 69-yard touchdown to happen at some point. When and if it does, you have to time it right and make sure the delivery is on point and not forced. Hart's call checked all of these boxes, making him an instant legend.
But he offic..

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