You could win a stay in the world’s first Buffalo Wild Wings bed & breakfast during March Madness

It's March and that can only mean one thing: Madness. If you're not officially losing your brain for brackets, then you need to sit down and revaluate your life, because between now and April 6th, college basketball is life. But hey, don't take our word for it, just listen to the chicken and sports experts at Buffalo Wild Wings, who are getting in on the insanity with their own little slice of crazy pie: BnB-Dubs, a cozy bed and breakfast tucked within the chain's Lincoln Park location that will host four lucky (and privacy averse) college b-ball fanatics during the first 48 hours of the 2020 NCAA Tournament:
If you've always longed to trade your one-bedroom bachelor pad for a Buffalo Wild Wings broom closet, this is your chance. To book your stay, all you have to do is prove you're the world's biggest March Madness fan by posting a video to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #bnbdubscontest ex..

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Shaq grew out his hairline after losing a bet to Dwayne Wade and the results are horrifying

The Exorcist, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saw, Hereditary. These are widely regarded as some of the most terrifying films of all time. They've tingled spines and chilled bones for years—decades even. But they all look like Blue Clues when compared to this footage of Shaq's grown-in hairline, which made its traumatizing debut on Inside the NBA last night. Viewer discretion strongly advised.
We're sorry you had to see that. Truly we are. But this is a burden we simply couldn't bear on our own. It looks like how hipsters wore their beanies in 2009, except it's actual human hair. Excuse us while we LloydChristmasGag.gif.
FacebookPinterestRELATED: Dear Shaq, please stop Instagramming while driving
Apparently Shaq's new look—the first time we've seen him with any meaningful follicles since the Orlando Magic days—is the product of a lost bet with Dwayne Wade. Shaq bet D-Wade that the Bucks would be..

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