You don't have to worry about coming across this giant gator in Florida anymore after a trio of hunters caught it on Sunday. But the photos of it may give you nightmares. Take a look at this monster:

RELATED: Watch a humongous gator take a stroll through a golf course

Chris Bishop, one of the three men involved in catching the large reptile, also shared this photo with TCPalm, which first reported the catch that took place in the Kissimmee River:


Holy crap, that thing is huge! How huge? Try 13 feet and approximately 750 pounds. We say "approximately" because the scale being used maxed out at 650 pounds and it bottomed out before the entire gator was placed on it.

Although the gator is the largest on record this year in Florida, incredibly, it isn't the biggest one reported in the state's history, according to TCPalm. That distinction goes to a gator measuring 14 feet, 3.5 inches long from Lake Washington in 2010. But we're not digging up photos of that beast. We'd like to fall asleep at some point tonight.

RELATED: Watch a PGA Tour pro give a gator a love tap during a tournament


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