Remember Clark Griswold, all-around family man, Bears fan, and semi-overzealous exterior illumination enthusiast?

Of course you do, dude is a legend. But if you think Griswold took his holiday light fetish one or two thousand megawatts too far, then you're gonna HATE this guy. In fact, we're pretty confident his neighbors already do:
In case you can't tell, Mr. Happy Valley here has a thing for his Fiesta Bowl-bound Nittany Lions, and much to the disappointment of passerby retinas, decided to put that fandom on full, grid-collapsing display this holiday season.
If this isn't the most over-the-top, batshit holiday light display you've seen this season, please go back to Whoville. If you think this is acceptable neighbor behavior, please go back to Whoville (or Happy Valley, as it were).
Everybody else, you're cool. As long as you don't have a Nick Saban angel perched on your tree, keep your negative egg-nog opinions to yourself, and celebrate whatever you celebrate like a functioning member of society, you can hang out as long as you like.