For about 98 percent of his career, Tiger Woods was notoriously inaccessible, despite many in the media's best intentions. It was all part of his win-at-all-costs, lone wolf mentality, one that no doubt helped him win 79 times on the PGA Tour, including 14 major championships. But even for one of the greatest athletes of all time, that act can only last so long.
Age, a deteriorating golf game and the ever-changing media landscape have seen Tiger become more honest and open with his fans and the media. For a long time, it was impossible to fathom seeing the day when Woods would admit he could see a scenario where he'd never play again, but hearing him say it was refreshing, in a way.
The first sign of this newfound accessibility actually came nearly eight years ago, months after his Thanksgiving night from hell. Tiger started a Twitter account on June 29, 2009, and for a little while, actually appeared to be tweeting from it himself. He answered fan questions, genuinely tweeted like a dad who had no idea how Twitter works and even poked fun at himself. Nearly a decade later, TW still sends out some authentic tweets in between mostly standard PR stuff. After diligent research, we came up with an unofficial ranking of our 14 favorites, one for each major championship, of course.
It was only the sixth tweet of his career, but still holds up as the most random thing he's ever said.
The day after Thanksgiving in 2010 was just a little different than the one in 2009. Working off those calories after the biggest eating day of the year, Tiger Woods, he's just like us! (except for the part where we all suck at golf)
GOAT recognize GOAT.
Yo, Tiger… what the HELL!? Whose brains?! Need answers!!
Hmmm… wonder what Tiger was thinking when he fired this one off during Lexi Thompson's rules debacle at the 2017 ANA Inspiration. Definitely wasn't about anything that happened on the 15th hole in the 2013 Masters. Nope, definitely not.
Simple and to the point. If you didn't know Tiger was a dad before, this grainy, far away photo with the caption "Ed's rocking" solidified his dad-ness. We've literally all received this text from our dads in one way or another.
It's not the Sunday red and black we've come to know, but the bathing suit was a very nice touch in this hilariously out of left field photo.
As far as we know, this is the only time Tiger has ever addressed Dave Chappelle's racial draft sketch on "Chappelle's Show." The fact that Tiger loved it, and dropped the classic "fo'shizzle" line is nothing short of incredible.
The original swing update that broke the internet. We wouldn't see him until the following December at the Hero World Challenge, where he showed some flashes of his old self with a second-round 65. A month later he made his official, PGA Tour return at Torrey Pines and let's just agree to not talk about that.
Legends. RIP indeed.
Shots fired at Salt N'Pepa, but wait, Tiger's got more jokes!
He's BACK!
Ok, this is going to seem like an upset to some. How is Mac Daddy Santa not No. 1 overall? Case in point …….
Walk it off, Tiger.

RELATED: Tiger Woods posts slow-mo video of him hitting his patented "stinger"