It's no secret we live in harrowing times. Corruption and impropriety are rampant, with challenges to such wrongdoings met with cries of "FAKE NEWS!" Daily headlines, cycling through chaos, are so exhaustive they make one forget what they were worked up about 24 hours before, allowing whatever crime presented to go unchallenged. The common man has been pushed to the periphery, for it's not the most rational or logical voice that wins out, but the loudest.
Yet, a hope billows out of the carnage, crystalized in the form of two SoCal surfer bros, fighting for the right … to party.
The Los Angeles city council has recently launched a crusade to crackdown on house parties in the Hollywood Hills. An injustice these dudes just won't stand for:
If these woke warriors look familiar, they are the same pair that argued San Clemente should erect a Paul Walker statue on the city pier:
You may think you're fighting the good fight with a passionate Facebook hashtag or celebrity retweet, but these sun-kissed Bro Montanas are taking the action to the streets. And for that, we are forever in their debt.