Venus Williams’ exoneration, ESPN goes full naked, and the sheer Americanness of hot dog eating

Let’s start with some much-needed redemption…

Prior to the start of Wimbledon, CNN reported that Venus Williams was at fault in a car accident that caused the death of a 78-year-old man riding in a separate vehicle. The explanation, involving a crowded intersection near her Florida home, was murky, but in these situations you tend to trust the words “at fault.” Williams, it seemed, had more or less killed a man.

If you saw her press conference following a first-round victory at Wimbledon, in which she broke down in tears, you might have felt some sympathy. But if you’re like me, that sympathy was tempered by the fact that…well, a man was dead. Compared to that, facing a tough question from the tennis media didn’t seem like the world’s worst punishment.

Source: Golf Digest
Venus Williams’ exoneration, ESPN goes full naked, and the sheer Americanness of hot dog eating